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The WethMaker contract inherits functionality from the Unwindooor contract, and also implements functions to swap to weth from other tokens utilizing set bridges for each token. There is also a withdraw function to withdraw the collected WETH, and other tokens from the contract.

The full contract can be found here.

State-Changing Functions


function setBridge(
address token,
address bridge
) external onlyOwner;

Sets the bridge for a given token. Only the owner can call this function.


tokenaddressThe token for which to set a bridge
bridgeaddressThe address of the bridge to set


This function reverts if called by any account other than the owner.


event SetBridge(address indexed token, address indexed bridge);

This event is emitted with the addresses of the token and the bridge when a bridge is set.


modifier onlyOwner();

This function can only be called by the owner of the contract.


function buyWeth(
address[] calldata tokens,
uint256[] calldata amountsIn,
uint256[] calldata minimumOuts
) external onlyTrusted;

Buys Wrapped Ether (WETH) or bridge tokens, which can be converted into WETH in subsequent transactions. Only trusted entities can call this function.


tokensaddress arrayArray of token addresses to be swapped for WETH or bridge tokens.
amountsInuint256 arrayArray of amounts of each token to swap. The length of this array should match the length of the tokens array.
minimumOutsuint256 arrayArray of minimum amounts of WETH or bridge tokens that must be received for the transaction not to revert.


This function reverts if the actual output is less than the minimumOuts provided for slippage protection, or if called by any account other than trusted ones.


modifier onlyTrusted();

This function can only be called by trusted entities.


function withdraw(
address token,
address to,
uint256 _value
) external onlyOwner;

Allows the contract owner to withdraw funds and potentially bridge them to mainnet. This function can handle both ERC20 tokens and native Ether (ETH).

  • If token is not the zero address, it transfers the _value of the token ERC20 tokens to the to address.
  • If token is the zero address, it transfers _value ETH to the to address.


tokenaddressThe address of the token to withdraw.
toaddressThe address to receive the withdrawn tokens or ETH.
_valueuint256The amount of tokens or ETH to withdraw.


This function reverts if:

  • The contract does not have sufficient balance of the token to transfer.
  • The ETH transfer fails.
  • It is called by any account other than the owner.


modifier onlyOwner();

This function can only be called by the owner of the contract.


function doAction(
address to,
uint256 _value,
bytes memory data
) external onlyOwner;

Performs an arbitrary action by calling a function on an external contract. This can be used to interact with other contracts from the contract itself, such as calling other functions, executing transactions, or even deploying other contracts.

  • The to parameter specifies the address of the external contract to be called.
  • The _value parameter specifies the amount of ETH to send along with the call.
  • The data parameter specifies the function selector and encoded arguments for the function to be called in the external contract.

This function can only be called by the owner of the contract.


toaddressThe address of the external contract to be called.
_valueuint256The amount of ETH to send along with the call.
databytesThe function selector and encoded arguments for the function to be called.


This function reverts if:

  • The external call fails.
  • It is called by any account other than the owner.


modifier onlyOwner();

This function can only be called by the owner of the contract.